Invited Talks:
One invited talk on ”Twisted Conjugacy in Groups” at the International Conference on Semigroups, Operators and Automata at University of Kerala during May 22-23, 2024.
One talk on ‘Derivative in several variables’ in the Refresher course for teachers from Colleges/Universities in India, Academic staff college, Kannur University, 15 December 2023.
One talk on ‘Spaces from the unit square’ in the Refresher course for teachers from colleges/universities in India, Academic staff college, University of Calicut, Nov. 28, 2021.
Two talks on ‘The Model Spaces of Riemannian Geometry’, in 11th Refresher Course in Mathematical Sciences for teachers in colleges/universities, from 09- 21, December 2019, at UGC-HRDC, Calicut University Campus, on December 17, 2019.
One talk on ‘Twisted Conjugacy and Quasi-isometric Rigidity of irreducible lattices in Semisimple Lie groups’, on 28 May 2019 in the Conference on Topology, Geometry and Related Topics, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.
Two talks on ‘Plane Geometries’, on Dec 13, 2019, Govt. College, Malayinkeezhu, Trivandrum.
Three talks on ‘Surface Theory’ in the National Workshop on Glimpses of Differential Geometry, on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, 2019. at Central University of Kerala.
Two talks on ‘Separation and countability Axioms, Connectedness and Compactness’ in the National Seminar on Topology and its Applications at Govt. College Mokeri on Nov. 2, 2018.
One talk on ‘Hyperbolic Groups’ in the National Seminar on Topology and Its Applications’ at University of Calicut, During 23-25 March 2017
Talk on R∞-property of groups at a national seminar on 30th October 2015 held at Govt. Victoria college Palakkad, Kerala.
One Talk in the International workshop on Topology and Groups on ”R∞- property of Lattices in semisimple Lie groups- a survey” at Goa University on 19th October 2015.
Twisted conjugacy classes in Lattices in semisimple Lie groups. 28th Annual conference of RMS, Reva Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore. June 2013.
Residually finite and Hopfian groups at IMSc, Chennai, 2012.
Twisted conjugacy in lattices in Lie groups- at IMSc, Chennai, 2012.
Reidemeister number in fixed point theory- at IMSc, Chennai, 2011.
CAT(0) spaces and groups-at IMSc, Chennai, 2011.
Twisted conjugacy classes- at IMSc, Chennai, 2011.
Gromov-Hausdorff convergence at IMSc, Chennai, 2009.